Multi Conformation Connect Ultra-Processed Foods to Premature, Preventable Death

Multi Conformation Connect Ultra-Processed Foods to Premature, Preventable Death

  • A new study from Brazil shows a significant association between eating ultra-processed foods and an increased risk of preventable premature death. It highlights the importance of discouraging processed foods and promoting healthier diets.
  • They also say that nutritious whole foods are better, safer and healthier than highly processed foods.

We all know that ultra-processed foods are detrimental to our health and contribute to chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. A new study, now published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, found that increased consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPFs) was associated with a significant increase in premature, preventable deaths from all causes in Brazil in 2019. It turns out that Additionally, researchers note that Brazilians consume far less ultra-processed food than other high-income countries such as the United States.

"Ultra-processed food consumption, which accounts for 23.7% of total dietary energy, is associated with more than 10% of preventable premature deaths in Brazil," said study author Eduardo A.F. Nilson, ScD, a researcher at the Center for Epidemiology. said. From Research in Nutrition and Health, University of São Paulo, Brazil's Oswaldo Cruz Foundation to Healthline.

"This translates to approximately 57,000 adult deaths per year in Brazil from the consumption of ultra-processed foods."

Ultra-processed foods and all-cause mortality

The study, Nilsson said, takes into account the scale and purpose of industrial food processing, while modeling data from nationally representative dietary surveys and Brazilian mortality data to reduce dietary patterns to all causes. Using data from 2019, he found that the researchers used statistical analysis to determine the proportion of overall deaths that could be attributed to UPF consumption and those of these ages. described the impact of reducing intake of these products by 10%, 20% and 50% in the mortality group.

Findings show that in 2019, more than 500,000 of his adults between the ages of 30 and 69 died prematurely, nearly 300,000 of them from preventable non-communicable diseases. It was something.

A growing need to reduce ultra-processed food consumption

Nilsson noted that his study adds to a growing body of literature pointing to the importance of reducing consumption of ultra-processed foods.
“High consumption of ultra-processed foods is linked to cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, some

In addition, Nilson said the adverse health effects of ultra-processed foods could be even worse in wealthier countries. I warned you.

“In high-income countries like the United States, ultra-processed foods account for up to 57% of total dietary energy, so the estimated impact of these foods will be even greater,” Nilson said. increase.

Anyway, reducing ultra-processed food consumption by 20% to what he was 10 years ago could prevent about 11,000 deaths a year, Nilson said.

Are all processed foods unhealthy?

Emily Fever, a registered dietitian at Long Island Jewish Forest Hills, part of Northwell Health in New York, says ultra-processed foods are mostly additives and substances that come from foods that have undergone multiple processing steps. She explained that these products are typically lacking in protein, fiber, and many common micronutrients, and typically contain large amounts of calories, sugars, total fat, and saturated fat. However, some processed foods such as oil, pasta, flour, sugar, salt, canned fruits and vegetables, spiced nuts, cured and smoked meats, cheese and bread Foods are not necessarily harmful to health, Favor clarified.

"These are all part of a balanced diet and sometimes it's unavoidable to have them," she told Healthline. Foods that are formulated as such have the potential to replace traditional ultra-processed foods. This includes grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, fresh meats and milk. ”

The link between diet and health

Theodore Strange, a professor of medicine at Staten Island University Hospital in New York, told Healthline that people who eat less processed foods have lower incidence and prevalence of some or all possible health conditions. says.

“A more natural, less processed diet has been shown to improve overall health and reduce ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, diverticulosis, migraines, and some cancers.

Dr. Strange added that there are "direct correlations" between salt and high blood pressure, trans fat and atherosclerosis and colon cancer, and processed sugar and diabetes.

"Trans-fat, high-sugar, and high-salt diets are unhealthy and may become unsafe over time, increasing the likelihood of health effects."

"The more colors the dishes have, the more likely those foods are to be healthier and more wholesome."

The bottom line

A new study builds on existing evidence linking ultra-processed food consumption to chronic disease and premature death. Like other nutrition experts, study author Nilsson says that in addition to avoiding ultra-processed foods, a healthy, balanced diet includes eating fresh, minimally processed foods whenever possible.

"If the current trend of gradually increasing consumption of ultra-processed foods continues, premature death will increase," Nilsson said, adding that his study

Actions to discourage consumption of ultra-processed foods could include expanding nutrition education and improving access to food desserts, he added.

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