Ways To Save Time Ends This Sunday Daylight, How it Can Impact Your Sleep

Ways To Save Time Ends This Sunday Daylight, How it Can Impact Your Sleep

Each fall, North America is ready to turn its clocks back one hour and Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends. For many people, an extra hour of sleep is a welcome excuse. For others, it's a destructive habit that can upset the balance of our circadian rhythms for days, even weeks. It can have a big impact on your rest and schedule. What should I do if my sleep patterns are affected by the end of Daylight Saving Time? We asked an expert to find out.

How does Daylight saving time affect sleep?

Daylight saving time is an annual event where clocks are moved forward one hour in March and back one hour in November. This exercise is designed to maintain natural light during the moon, when it usually gets dark early. can affect

"We all have an internal clock or circadian rhythm. People have schedules. It is all light that inspires and trains us. Humans are not nocturnal animals. We are programmed to wake up when it is light and go to sleep when it is dark. Modern civilization messes it up [with daylight saving time]," said Dr. Steven Feinsilver, a sleep medicine expert at Northwell Health.

Turning the clocks back an hour doesn't seem like a big deal, but research shows that the transition between spring and fall can lead to sleep deprivation and sleep disturbances.

According to a statement from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, “The light-dark cycle is key to circadian entrainment.

This statement states that most acute health-related effects are , points out that it is only observed during the transition from standard time to daylight saving time (one hour "fast forward"). However, both the start and end of daylight saving time transitions are associated with sleep disturbances, mood disorders, and suicide. As a result of these effects, AASM says time changes during daylight saving time can lead to "social jet lag".

How to get your sleep back

First of all, Americans have trouble falling asleep. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 35% of all adults in the United States report that they average less than 7 hours of sleep per night. A year he puts in two time changes and it doesn't help if those numbers improve. Still, there are ways to get back to sleep. Many of these practices can be used year-round to maintain a healthy sleep cycle.

"You can do something called 'sleep restriction,' which is going to bed and getting up at the same time regardless of the time of year," said Dr. Neha Mehta, a pulmonologist in the Southern California area. , emergency medicine, and sleep medicine. "It's more important to have a consistent wake-up time than a bedtime. It's important to wake up at the same time every day, no matter how tired you are. Avoiding naps as much as possible will reduce your desire for nighttime sleep and help you fall asleep faster." It makes it easier to get on.”

Other suggestions are to avoid caffeine and avoid bright lights in the evening.Some experts say melatonin may help you sleep, but talk to your doctor before taking supplements.

"Follow the basic rules of sleep," Finesilver repeated. "Consistency. If you want to learn to sleep better, start with your wake-up time. Set a time to wake up and stick to it. Get some light and exercise even after you wake up. ”

He also suggests working backwards from your wake-up time.

"If you aim for 7.5 hours of sleep, he can only go to bed 7.5 hours before he wakes up. It may not be perfect, but it's a start," he said. "It's a behavioral trend. Beds are for sleeping."

He also recommends relaxing an hour before he goes to bed, whether it's after work or while watching TV. I'm here. Turn off personal electronic devices and do not bring your computer to bed.

"No matter what, get up on time," he says. "Don't go back to bed before going to bed. You may feel sick for a few days, but you'll be sleeping better in no time. It's a powerful biological urge."

Ending the DST ritual

Members of the sleep community have long hoped the government would do away with clock changes. Mehta said those wishing to end daylight saving time should write to their political representatives and "support the American Academy of Sleep Medicine to end daylight saving time and support standard time." “Even though the daytime is always night, the circadian rhythm is off, unnatural, and can lead to sleep deprivation.”

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